
Multiply: Disciples Making Disciples is unavailable, but you can change that!

Jesus Christ hand-picked common, uneducated men to build his church (Acts 4:13). Several were fishermen. One was a tax collector. All of them could be labeled “ordinary.” Yet under their leadership, the church flourished while the world stood amazed. Today, the church looks to “trained professionals” to do the work. Lay people who have tremendous potential are made to feel inadequate by the...

Unfortunately, disciple making has become the exclusive domain of pastors (and missionaries). Salesmen sell, insurance agents insure, and ministers minister. At least, that’s the way it works in most of our churches. While it’s true that the pastors, elders, and apostles in the New Testament made disciples, we can’t overlook the fact that discipleship was everyone’s job. The members of the early church took their responsibility to make disciples very seriously.
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